1989: Maja, contemporary witness

1989: Maja, contemporary witness

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Arguments are the order of the day with Maja's parents. The father strikes hard when something doesn't suit him. He humiliates and insults his wife and children. Maja's mother can no longer take the abuse. She leaves the family and leaves her three children with her husband. One day, she picks Maja up from school and abducts her. The mother flees with her daughter to Prague in the hope of being able to lead a better life in the West. Maja has to cope with the catastrophic conditions that prevail in the Prague embassy in September 1989. There are days when she doesn't even get enough to eat and her mother constantly leaves her alone. Her mother meets her future husband Bertram in a reception camp. Maja is severely traumatized. The man abuses the girl. The child fears that she will never see her siblings again and that the abuse will never stop. Maja's own mother ignores her cries for help. She doesn't want to hear about the abuse. Will Maja see her siblings again? Will her nightmare end or will she remain defencelessly at the mercy of her stepfather?

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ago. 2024

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