

$14.500 CLP
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Acerca de

Kati Voß
issue II of the series "BIOGRAPHY IN ART"
category: spirituality
english version

BIOGRAPHY OF LIFE - Leaving a trace

Falling into the depths.
That language of the deaf let them be heard in the voices of the mute. This world was not always as it was now. Sly in her perception of the lines in between, Theres did not fit into a scheme at all, even if the 'F' had already been dropped. Her longing for belonging had dissipated. Now she interwove her life of otherness with the storms of timeless time as well as the winds of the seas. She did not think like all the others. Earlier, as a child, she had not noticed it at all. She never fought for anyone's favour. That was probably why she was overlooked by all the ideal images of the old days. When these met her today, astonishment was interwoven with realisation: every world offered for sale made her shatter: the beauty of the inside turned towards the light in the dark as well as from the dark towards the light.

Detalles del Libro

ago. 2024

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